Narragansett tom




Along with chickens, we are also be breeding and offering Narragansett turkeys. Narris are listed as critically endangered by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy and listed in Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste. Narragansett turkeys are known for being one of the largest of the heritage turkeys, have calm dispositions, can mate naturally, and have strong maternal instincts.

We only offer started stock and adults to buyers who can pick up at the farm or at regional poultry shows. We usually start incubating eggs late March/early April. Check back to see what we may have for sale.


Click for NEPC 2006 results

* Alawa - 2004 Narragansett Hen *

Silver Spur Poultry & Pigeon Show
May 20, 2006
Champion Turkey * Best of Breed

Silver Spur Poultry & Pigeon Show
May 19, 2007
Champion Turkey * Best of Breed

* Canonicus - 2004 Narragansett Tom *

Northeastern Poultry Congress
January 14-15, 2006
Champion Turkey * Best of Variety

New Hampshire Poultry Fanciers
October 14, 2007
Champion Turkey * Best of Variety

Canonchet - our tom
SPPA logo
Society for the Preservation
of Poultry Antiquities
Click on the photo above for
more pictures of our turkeys.


Here are a few recommended links to learn more about heritage turkeys:

Narragansett Turkeys - Feathersite page with information and great photos.

Rare Heritage Turkeys Mail List - This list is highly recommended for all heritage turkey enthusiasts.

Turkey Breeds - Links to Oklahoma State University turkey breeds info and photos.

Turkeys - The turkeys page at Feathersite has lots of great information and photos.

Society for the Preservation of Poultry Antiquities - An organization working to improve rare breeds of poultry and to encourage exhibition & breeding.